Ham Items


These items are for sell for a Silent Key widow.  The prices are just my best guess based on a basic internet search comparison of like items.  If you want something, just make a reasonable offer.  Contact me at KU5J@arrl.net with any questions or to let me know you are interested.  

Make an offer
Yaesu YT-747GX
Yeasu FT747gxReceives and transmits.  Possible Bad Trimmer Capacitors causing the VFO frequency to drift/jump
Kenwood TS-120S

TS120SNo Mic or Pwr Cord

Swan Model 260

Swan 260 CW/SSB 10-80 Meters

Heathkit HW-101

HW 101 CW/SSB 10-80 Meters

Heathkit SB-600 W/HP-23

SB600 HP 23Speaker and Power Supply

Heathkit HO-10

HO 10RF Monitor Scope

Heathkit HD-20

HD 20100 kc Crystal Calibrator

Heathkit HA-201A

HA 201AVHF HT Amplifier (8-10 watts out)

Hygain AV-14AVQ Vertical Antenna

Four-Band Vertical HF Antenna

Resonant on 40, 20, 15, & 10 meters 

18.0 ft. Height

Power handling 1500 watts

Wind rating 80kts


CB Items