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Cabot, Arkansas


Saturday Jan 25th 10:00 am to Sunday Jan 26th 3:59 pm

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  • What:  Winter Field Day at the Park

    POTA  (Parks on the Air) event before, during, and after Winter Field Day.

    Who:  Anyone interested in amateur radio, WFD, POTA, State Parks, hiking/nature trails plus friends , family, etc. 

    Where:  Lake Sylvia Recreation Area Cabin 1c and some others

    (Parking and cabin access is at the Camp Ouachita National Historic District parking lot at the North West end of the Lake

    When:  Start setting up at check-in time 4:00 pm Friday 24 January and begin packing up around 8:00am Monday  27 Jan

                    Cabin 1c is limited to 6 overnight guests. However, there are more cabins and campsites available.  If you just want to come by for a short                  while and operate, socialize, teach, learn, etc

    Why:  To serve the purpose of our club constitution and have a lot of fun doing it.

    How:  We will set-up multiple stations and antennae  adhering to the POTA, WFD, and State Park Rules.

                    Primarily use club call of W5STR and ensure logging software has correct operator call sign

                    We will operate under POTA rules exclusively except during WFD  10:00am Saturday – 3:59pm Sunday. During Winter Filed day, we will                        operate under WFD and POTA rules

                    If you would like to be an activator, read the POTA Activator Guide .  Come out and make at least 10 contacts during the same UTC day.

                    This area qualifies as a 3-fer.  In other words, three POTA references activated simultaneously. Lake Sylvia State Park (K-10236), Winona                        WMA (K-7335), and Ouachita National Forest (K-4424).

    Common packing list for camper cabins:

    • Sleeping Bag
    • Pillow
    • Bathroom Towels
    • Shampoo/Conditioner
    • Paper Towels
    • Coffee Maker
    • Plates/Cups/Cutlery
    • Dish Soap/Sponge
    • Charcoal
    • Ice Cooler

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