Who, What, When, & Where?
Amateur Radio, also known as Ham Radio, is a popular hobby but first and foremost a vital service that can provide life saving communications when cell phones and land lines fail.
Who are we?
We are the Cabot Small Town Amateur Radio Service, otherwise known as the S.T.A.R.S. Club. Our club call sign is W5STR. We are people from all walks of life, age groups, and experiences that come together to participate in a hobby we love - Amateur Radio!
What do we do?
As an active club we participate with clubs in the surrounding areas and hold events of our own. We provide public service to the Sylamore Trail 50k and several other events providing runner accountability, coordinating resources and providing communications for emergency services.
In times of emergency we stand ready to serve as the "last line of defense" to communicate emergency messages when other means of communication fail.
When & where do we meet?
We normally meet at the Criswell-Robinson American Legion Post 71 600 North Grant St, Cabot, AR 72023 on the second Sunday of every month (except May) at 2:00 pm
Meeting dates and times can be found on the club calendar. All are welcome to attend.
Contact us at